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Archive for the ‘Keeping healthy’ Category

Boost Your Immune System This Winter

Winter is seen by many as that time of year where they no longer need an excuse not to venture beyond the door step once they have got home from work.  Some people love the fact that the cold damp weather gives them the perfect excuse to stay in and sit in front of the TV eating comfort food and staying warm and dry.

I can actually sympathise with this as I too love the feeling of being warm and dry and knowing that I do not need to leave the house again that night.  But I also know that after a few days of inactivity that I begin to feel lethargic and slow and that my need for some exercise increases the longer this goes on.  However, the thought of going out into the cold and damp is no incentive to make that move.

It is precisely for these reasons that so many people fall foul of bugs and coughs and colds during the winter months.  Our immune systems are lowered by the lack of sunlight and exercise and our motivation to go out and actually do something about this is often less than zero.

So here are a few helpful ideas to help to boost a lethargic immune system to beat the winter bugs.

Reflexology is a great way to get an whole system body balance to make sure that all of your organs and glands are working harmoniously.  It is totally non invasive, extremely relaxing, very powerful and effective.  Having been a reflexologist for nearly 18 years I have much experience with many different types of clients and I see that people who suffer from chronic conditions such as IBS, Migraine, Sinus troubles get much symptomatic relief from a regular monthly Reflexology session.

Exercise that can be done at home – why not invest in a piece of portable gym equipment?  Step machines particularly elliptical step machines are great for getting a good muscular and toning workout and also for getting that essential cardio vascular exercise.  If you do not mind going out then membership at a local gym is always a good idea to get you moving and fit during winter months.
if the day is bright yet cold then wrap up well and off your go to get a good dose of vitamin D.

Eating well, making sure that you do not succumb to too much comfort food.  Make sure to get plenty of fruits and vegetables and take a good multi vitamin supplement to make sure you get all that you need and always get a good dose of vitamin C.  Good wholesome home made soups and stews using plenty of root vegetables.  Home made desserts using apples and plums.  The occasional glass of red wine (for medicinal purposes of course) and drinks such as warming ginger beer always go down well in the cold.  Lots of fruits and vegetables to help to keep you fit and healthy and to keep your Homocysteine levels as low as possible.

Winter does not need to be the season of coughs and colds and by taking just that extra bit of care to how we look after ourselves we can be fit and well and ready for the springtime just around the corner.