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Archive for the ‘step machine’ Category

Portable Step Machining Up To Fitness

A number of my therapy clients have decided to get together to get fit together – they do not necessarily need to lose a lot of weight but more like they need to get fit.

I suppose it has been a slow dawning that they are not getting younger, they have neglected themselves for years as bringing up the family has taken over all else and for some it has been the fact that over the summer holiday they have not been able to keep up with far fitter teenagers and children.

Whatever their reasons I applaud them all.

Working together as a team and staying accountable to each other is a great way to work as it keeps the whole group focussed.

Now as a number of them still have younger children going out to the gym is difficult for some and as the weather here in the UK has taken a turn for the chilly side going out for a run is not always the most enticing of ideas.

Some have stepped in to do some ad hoc babysitting duties and someone else had the bright idea of a portable step machine which means that there is no need to leave their home on a cold dark winters night and indeed there is no real reason to even switch off the TV – indeed by keeping the TV on in some instances makes the workout a longer one as boredom does not set in quite the same.

I never really knew about portable step machines – my only experience coming from the big ones you see in the gym (these are the machines I prefer to avoid).  However, the portable step machines are excellent and give just as good a workout in the comfort of your own home.

In fact there seem to be 2 favourites that the group have been looking at the Xiser commercial portable stepper (much stronger than many other models) – they can even share this one as it is so sturdy and it even is good for up to 400lb.

The other one they love is something called an elliptical trainer which gives a better workout still as it mimics activities such as skiing, cycling as well as stepping.  Now there’s an idea!

The idea of buying some portable gym equipment is a great idea as these items really are portable and very easy to store as they fold down into something that will easily slide under your bed or into a cupboard – even under the desk for the Xiser model.  You can use them whilst watching TV and never need to leave the house – in fact there is no real objection that anyone can come up with not to get and use one of these to get fitter over the cold dark winter months is there?

Home Step Machines

So, come one now let’s have a honest poll – how many of you were happy to be on the beach this summer baring your all to get a nice brown tan?

I bet not everyone by a long way raised their hands to this did they?

Ok, next question? ……..

So, what the heck are you doing about it so that next time you are proud and happy to be lying like a god on the beach?

Speak up I am having trouble hearing you!!

No, still not loud enough!

The trouble is that now summer is gone and autumn is setting in far too many of us use this as an excuse (a very poor excuse I might add), to start to hibernate away.  Next summer seems ages away and so we do not need to give any immediate thought to losing weight or toning up and getting fit for a long time – and any way Christmas is only round the corner and we do not want to spoil that do we?

Not good enough!

Now I can understand if going to the gym is really not your thing or maybe you have kids and getting a sitter is not an option or even the gym membership is too much to stretch to.  I also know that as the nights get darker and colder the incentive to go out lessens.

So, here is the perfect solution ….. wait for it …….

Trumpet fanfare and roll of drums ……….

A home step machine

Yes, you read that correctly!

A home step machine ticks all the boxes and eliminates pretty much all of your objections 🙂

You can stay home, you can do it whilst watching TV, no need for a babysitter, no monthly gym fees, no one watching your big bum from behind, no feeling silly in front of the other gym members…….

Ah, I can just hear a tiny very pathetic objection from someone over at the back there – shout up a bit I can hardly hear you!!

Oh, i see you have no where to store a step machine is that it?

Well, the good news is that with the Stamina SpaceMate folding stepper you do not need any more spare storage room other than the underside of your bed.

So, you see there is a solution to every problem and a silver lining to every cloud – you can tone up and get fit over winter so that next summer you are toned up and beach ready better than ever before.