Review Of Adjustable Beds, Complementary Therapies & Great Tattoos

Posts tagged ‘adjustable bed’

Sleeping Well?

So how do you feel when you get up on a morning?

Did you sleep well last night or did you toss and turn and like me fail to get off to sleep till the small hours?

Oh yes, I was up till 3am because I just could not ‘drop off the cliff’ – if you know what I mean.

I mean it was not that I was not tired and I had nothing especially on my mind to keep me awake, I do not ever drink coffee so that could not be blamed and the neighbours were not playing loud music either.  Just one of those infuriating insomniac nights.


So what else could I have done to nod off more easily?

Horlicks or hot chocolate (I hate milky drinks), had a Reflexology session (not really bale to do it to myself to get the desired effect), had some Melatonin (not licensed here in the UK) or maybe an adjustable bed might have done the trick?

Well for those of you who do not know the relative merits of adjustable beds you need to understand that they really are the ultimate in comfort and more importantly support.  They adjust in the 5 key areas of the legs, hips, back, neck and head and will give an unlimited variety of combinations to allow just about anyone to get comfortable.

These beds are perfect for anyone who might be unlucky enough to suffer from arthritis or even just aches and pains, anyone with oedema, asthma, hiatus hernia or gastric reflux – in fact the list is endless.
In short the electric adjustable bed (aka a healthcare bed, a disability bed, a mobility bed or even an orthopaedic bed) is truly the best way to ensure the perfect nights sleep every night.

So How Did You Sleep Last Night?

Bit of a leading question I know – but with good reason behind it.

Let me explain ……

When we sleep it is the time our body gets to do it’s major repair and regeneration and this is the major reason why it is so very important that we all get regular great quality sleep.

Now back to my original question…..

I know that most people do not get the best nights sleep that they could get – I know that adjustable bedmany people will spend ages just trying to get comfortable, many will wake during the night to get comfortable again, many will struggle to just fall to sleep, and many although they slept will feel like they did 4 rounds in the ring with Mike Tyson when they wake.

All in all the quality of sleep that most people have is pants.

So, what can be done about it I can hear you asking?

Well, one of the main reasons behind this lies (forgive the pun) in the type of bed you sleep in.  You see most people sleep in a ‘normal’ flat bed with a normal ‘flat’ mattress.

Just think about it normal flat bed gives no support to a curvy body.  We have 5 major areas needing support whilst we are lying down the head, neck, spine, hips and knees and yep you got it – a flat bed gives very little support to any of these areas.  Ergo we toss and turn and harumph around trying to get comfortable in almost impossible circumstances.

So, next time you wake up feeling *&%&*  consider how much better you could feel is you had a bed to support you – just take a look at the video just here……

Or take a look at this right here for some more inspiration